Visual Basic Toolbox
Visual Basic Toolbox (P.I.E.)(1996).ISO
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BASIC Source File
213 lines
Option Explicit
Dim tfPrintCancelled As Integer
Type typWindowsDevice
sWindowsDeviceUserName As String
sWindowsDeviceShortName As String
sWindowsDevicePortName As String
End Type
Const sWINDOWS_SECTION_NAME = "windows"
Const sDEVICES_SECTION_NAME = "devices"
Const sDEVICE_KEY_NAME = "device"
Declare Function duprt_nAbortDoc Lib "GDI" Alias "AbortDoc" (ByVal hDC As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function duprt_nSetSysModalWindow Lib "User" Alias "SetSysModalWindow" (ByVal hWnd As Integer) As Integer
Sub duprt_BeginDoc ()
'This routine must be called at the beginning of the print
'job to initialize the "cancel" flag and popup the status
Dim nRC As Integer
'Initialize the "cancel" flag.
tfPrintCancelled = False
'Display the status window. Note that as far as VB is concerned,
'the window is not MODAL. This is what allows the print job to
'proceed in the "background".
Load frmPrt
frmPrt.Move (Screen.Width - frmPrt.Width) / 2, (Screen.Height - frmPrt.Height) / 2
'Tell Windows to treat the status window as "System Modal".
nRC = duprt_nSetSysModalWindow(frmPrt.hWnd)
End Sub
Sub duprt_CancelDoc ()
'This routine should be called if the user cancels the
'print job, to flush it from the print queue.
Dim nRC As Integer
If tfPrintCancelled Then
'do nothing; shouldn't call this routine
'more than once per print job.
'Flush the output from the print queue.
nRC = duprt_nAbortDoc(Printer.hDC)
'Close the Printer object. Error-trapping is
'mandatory here, because the Printer object and
'the AbortDoc API function don't always get along.
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
'Set the "cancel" flag
tfPrintCancelled = True
End If
End Sub
Sub duprt_EndDoc ()
'This routine should always be called at the end of the
'print job to close the status window, whether the user
'cancels the output or not.
If tfPrintCancelled Then
'do nothing; shouldn't call this routine
'more than once per print job.
'Close the print job.
End If
'Close the status window.
Unload frmPrt
Set frmPrt = Nothing
End Sub
Sub duprt_GetDefaultPrinter (recDefaultPrinter As typWindowsDevice)
'This routine returns the "default" Windows printer.
Dim nStrPos As Integer
Dim sDefaultPrinter As String
Dim nRC As Integer
sDefaultPrinter = duini_sGetString(sWINDOWS_SECTION_NAME, sDEVICE_KEY_NAME, "", "")
nStrPos = InStr(sDefaultPrinter, ",")
recDefaultPrinter.sWindowsDeviceUserName = Left$(sDefaultPrinter, nStrPos - 1)
sDefaultPrinter = Mid$(sDefaultPrinter, nStrPos + 1)
nStrPos = InStr(sDefaultPrinter, ",")
recDefaultPrinter.sWindowsDeviceShortName = Left$(sDefaultPrinter, nStrPos - 1)
recDefaultPrinter.sWindowsDevicePortName = Mid$(sDefaultPrinter, nStrPos + 1)
End Sub
Sub duprt_GetInstalledPrinters (recInstalledPrinters() As typWindowsDevice)
'This routine enumerates the "installed" Windows printers.
Dim nStrPos As Integer, nPrtSub As Integer
Dim sInstalledPrinter As String
ReDim sPrinterNames(0) As String
Call duini_GetKeyNames(sDEVICES_SECTION_NAME, sPrinterNames(), "")
ReDim recInstalledPrinters(UBound(sPrinterNames))
For nPrtSub = 1 To UBound(sPrinterNames)
sInstalledPrinter = duini_sGetString(sDEVICES_SECTION_NAME, sPrinterNames(nPrtSub), "", "")
nStrPos = InStr(sInstalledPrinter, ",")
recInstalledPrinters(nPrtSub).sWindowsDeviceUserName = sPrinterNames(nPrtSub)
recInstalledPrinters(nPrtSub).sWindowsDeviceShortName = Left$(sInstalledPrinter, nStrPos - 1)
sInstalledPrinter = Mid$(sInstalledPrinter, nStrPos + 1)
nStrPos = InStr(sInstalledPrinter, ",")
If nStrPos > 0 Then
recInstalledPrinters(nPrtSub).sWindowsDevicePortName = Left$(sInstalledPrinter, nStrPos - 1)
recInstalledPrinters(nPrtSub).sWindowsDevicePortName = sInstalledPrinter
End If
End Sub
Sub duprt_SetDefaultPrinter (recDefaultPrinter As typWindowsDevice)
'This routine sets the "default" Windows printer to one
'of the "installed" printers.
Dim sNewPrinter As String
Dim nRC As Integer
sNewPrinter = recDefaultPrinter.sWindowsDeviceUserName + "," + recDefaultPrinter.sWindowsDeviceShortName + "," + recDefaultPrinter.sWindowsDevicePortName
Call duini_WriteString(sWINDOWS_SECTION_NAME, sDEVICE_KEY_NAME, sNewPrinter, "")
End Sub
Sub duprt_StatusDoc (sPrintCaption As String, sPrintDesc As String, sPrintStatus As String)
'This routine updates the status window with new
'information, to show the progress of the print job.
If Len(sPrintCaption) > 0 Then
frmPrt.Caption = sPrintCaption
End If
If Len(sPrintDesc) > 0 Then
frmPrt.lblPrintDesc.Caption = sPrintDesc
End If
If Len(sPrintStatus) > 0 Then
frmPrt.lblPrintStatus.Caption = sPrintStatus
End If
End Sub
Function duprt_tfPrintCancelled () As Integer
'This routine checks to see if the print job has been
'cancelled. It should be called periodically by your
'application's print routine.
'Allow queued events to be processed, so a click on
'the Cancel button will be recognized.
'Return the status of the "cancel" flag.
duprt_tfPrintCancelled = tfPrintCancelled
End Function